What I am doing currently

I am Damian a year 1 student studying Information Technology in Singapore Polytechnic's School of Computing (SoC). I live in the West part of Singapore and I have an older brother and a younger sister.

More about me

I have learned different programming languages like Java and C# during my time in Singapore Polytechnic and I am currently working on this website for my web development assignment. Although it is a rough time studying so many different things I have not explored before, I will try my best and pull through.

Family picture Secondary school picture

Secondary School Life

I am a former student from Hillgrove Secondary School and was a BB boy throughout my 4 years in Secondary School. My time in Secondary school was fun and exciting. My teachers and friends are really kind and supportive, they are always encouraging me to push on. They listen to my problems and helped me look at problems from different perspectives.

I will never forget the great times I had in Secondary school and I do not regret being in Hillgrove with such amazing teachers and friends.